Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Here are our costumes! I was a flapper girl and Clint was a gangster.... and Cosmo was Robin...we just couldn't resist a picture with BYU's mascot. :)
We spent the evening at BYU where the athletes had a little trick-or-treat/carnival/shin dig and we passed out some candy. We saw some CUTE costumes and got a lot of compliments on ours too. In fact, I think Clint may have decided to wear his fedora permanently. He loves it. A. LOT.

Also, let me just give you a little insiders view. Me (my teacher self that is) and Halloween have a love hate relationship. One one hand, my kids are just the cutest. They are happier than a witch in a broom store (ps, have you seen those GEICO commercials? I laugh out loud every time. I seriously love them) and they have the cutest costumes ever. I had two spiders, two devils, a ghost, an army guy, the mad hatter, a ninja turtle, a platypus, a wizard, and a whole slew of other cute things in my class yesterday. Then there is the other side of that excitement which is also called crazy. yes. crazy. hyped up on candy- well at this point, just the thought of candy- and they know we'll have a party in the afternoon. and a parade. and a monster mash dance with the school... lets just say the almost "normal" morning I had planned went out the window because these kids were not having any learning  fit into their holiday. And this teacher just loves to see her kids happy. O darn. Throw the lesson plans out the window for a day and play Halloween BINGO for a half hour? fine. pull my leg. yes. we can do that.

 Here is a picture of all of us after the parade :)

Ya, bumblee is the go to costume for school mostly because I can still wear my slacks and feel semi-professional... second because my kids would have no idea what a flapper girl was...

I hope your Halloween was as good as this one! 


  1. Very fun costumes! And love the new hair too! :)

  2. Sooo cute!! Love all the costumes!! I know I'm way late commenting, but I Loved it!!
