... I am entirely frustrated with the living room. We just had a WONDERFUL open house in Idaho this past weekend. Before we left I cleaned and organized and everything had a place. We came home and this is what I am looking at.
I am going on a "present putting away" boycott. Feel free to join the cause. I just wanted you to be aware of this war waging in our apartment before you came home from school and the living room (which I was soo excited to organize when you left for school) looks like the battlefield it has turned into... I am now concentrating on relaxing by writing this blogpost and reading all of my friends' blogs. I know you will understand. I love you and can't wait for you to come home to me when we will make a delicious (and hopefully less eventful) dinner and maybe conquer this battle together!
Love your boycotting wife,
Alissa Prestwich
I still just love how that looks :)