Monday, June 27, 2011


Dear Clint,

... I am entirely frustrated with the living room. We just had a WONDERFUL open house in Idaho this past weekend. Before we left I cleaned and organized and everything had a place. We came home and this is what I am looking at.

I am going on a "present putting away" boycott. Feel free to join the cause. I just wanted you to be aware of this war waging in our apartment before you came home from school and the living room (which I was soo excited to organize when you left for school) looks like the battlefield it has turned into... I am now concentrating on relaxing by writing this blogpost and reading all of my friends' blogs. I know you will understand. I love you and can't wait for you to come home to me when we will make a delicious (and hopefully less eventful) dinner and maybe conquer this battle together!

Love your boycotting wife,
Alissa Prestwich
I still just love how that looks :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dinner Time!

So here we are. Clint and Alissa Prestwich.

We are so so in love.

We got married last weekend (June 17th)

We are settled in our apartment.

Naturally I wanted to cook my new husband a delicious dinner. So I pulled out the tried and true recipes thinking my first dinner has to be perfect.

Chicken and Rice cassorale. Piece of cake. (We even have all the ingredients!)

... until I realized we didn't have all the ingredients.

but we can use cream of mushroom instead of cream of chicken right?

I put it all together, mixed it up and covered it with foil to put in the oven.
I put on the timer. 45 minutes. Then it was done!

... I opened the foil to see this.

I had accidently left the plastic spoon I had used to mixed it all up in the pan!!!

but instead of crying over melted plastic (like I wanted to do) Clint decided to laugh

we grated some cheese

... only we didn't have a cheese grater so Clint shaved the cheese block

which turned into this masterpiece

and we set the table

..only we don't have chairs

so we sat at the couch

we used the piano seat as a table

..which wasn't big enough so the juice spilt

but Clint was quick to run to the kitchen as I moved the cups to a safer location

and we finally had dinner.

Who knew it would turn out so great? ;)

Man, this happily ever after business is a little different than the movies...
