Thursday, June 27, 2013

What a week

What a week it has been!

Last week at my doctor appointment, they were worried about our little girl and her growth. They talked about viruses that could have stopped her little brain from growing and sent me to a specialist. From that appointment on Thursday to our appointment on Monday with the specialist, it was one of the longest weekends I have ever had. I knew my daughter would come and we would love her to pieces. I did not know a lot more than that. We prayed and cried a lot in those few days, and so did our families. On Monday we went to the specialist and got to hear the great news that Olivia is indeed small, but she would be healthy.  
(The doctor was joking with us. She looked at me when she walked in and said... we are worried about your baby being small? Let's look at this. I've learned that biology does actually play a part in these things and it would not surprise me for you to have a small baby...) 
We were all so relieved. My doctor appointment on Tuesday gave us similar news with all of their tests that our baby girl is going to be just fine 
(and hopefully come just a little early!) 
I'm walking every day to hopefully help her along :) Come on baby!! We want to meet you!

Tuesday we had some car trouble... the drivers side door got bent the wrong way... good thing Clint is Superman and bent it back enough so we could drive it to Orem to get it fixed. We got a great deal that we were happy to accept. Yesterday, they called to tell us our door was replaced and ready - except the door they replaced it with is BLUE. Just so you know, my car is not blue. I have never really known what to call the color of my car, but I would go with tan/champange/silvery....? not blue. But it's done so I guess we'll pick it up and do what we can with some spray paint :) 

Also on Tuesday (talk about an eventful day) some of my good friends threw me a little baby shower. It was so fun and we got many things that we needed for Olivia's arrival. I am so lucky to have such great friends around. 

The realtor from Tennessee sent us some houses yesterday. Did I mention we are planning on buying a house when we get to Optometry school? We are pretty excited about it and its moving forward. We talked with the realtor and asked when a good weekend would be for Clint to fly out to look at a few of these houses. She said 4-5 weeks before we want the house is the best timing... that puts us at the weekend of July 12th... 
Wait a minute. That date seems familiar. O ya, the baby is due July 11th... 
soooooooooo again we say, Come on baby!!! We NEED to meet you!
 So if anyone wants to come walk with me like every day from now until then, that would be great. We need her to come early. Good thing the doctor thinks that is a good possibility! 

Way to make it this far. It has been a crazy week. A good week. An emotional week. A week with very good news and some blue car door news. 

Ps. I found this little gem today and love it.
 I cried just a little, but I cry every time I hear a hallmark card these days.
 Two girls in my one body = emotions galore. 
O, I can't wait for her to get here! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Anniversary to Us!!

It has been two whole years since this wonderful day...

And what a great two years it has been!

For our anniversary, we decided to keep it pretty low key since I'm about ready to pop. We had a delicious meal at PF Changs and we were pleasantly surprised. We hadn't ever eaten there before, but everything we got tasted so good. And how likely is it that at a new restaurant, you order 6 things and love all of them? I'm telling you, we were impressed :)

Then we drove to the outdoor Scera theater for the play Tarzan. We got to the ticket gate and asked someone where will call was to get our tickets... they informed us it was at the main office (two blocks away) and since going back to the car to drive was also about 2 blocks, we decided to walk over. 
At this point Clint did offer to go get the tickets so I didn't have to walk... but I was the one who ordered teh tickets and we had to present photo ID... so this prego lady WALKED. yeah!
Once we got there, we were told our tickets were not actually there, but at the will call at the outdoor theater we had just left... so after we cursed the lady who told us to come there, we trekked it back the 2 blocks. Man, I was SERIOUSLY out of breath! Maybe I should be exercising more than I am... 
Well, we finally got our tickets and sat down and enjoyed some quality Tarzan. It was good. 

So here is to two years and many more to come! I just love this man of mine. He is everything I dreamed of in my husband plus a little more :) He works so hard for our growing family. He tried really hard to understand my emotional girly-ness (which, let's be honest, I don't even fully understand sometimes) and he is almost always the first of the two of us to appologize or let down his stubborn side when we have disagreements. He balances me in ways I totally need it and I think I do the same for him. Our marriage is such a good blend of logic/emotion, adventure/routine, and our different love styles. I could not be happier to look back at these part 2 years and see just how far we have come and still know that there is so much more to still come for us. 

I am truly blessed. I love my happily ever after story

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Busy busy summer! ...with lots of pictures :)

I feel like time is going so so very fast right now. I swear I was still in the beginning of May counting down school days yesterday... I had my whole summer separated into segments. 

1st. Finish teaching and clean out the classroom  
2nd. Make it to Idaho to help with Esther's wedding (and not go into labor that week) 
check and check!
3rd. Have a baby.
 Are we at this point already?
4th. Move to Tennessee. 

Will someone please tell me how those first two got checked off already? O man. Well, I've taken a few pictures to document that, in fact, those first two things actually happened... so here they are. Enjoy.

First, teaching is over. WAY mixed emotions about this one. I am going to miss these little kiddos I got to call mine for the last year, but I am so excited to really have my own little kiddo that is mine for the rest of forever. It's hard, especially since my real child won't be nearly as funny as these kids for a few years and I will definitely miss those stories...

I am seriously going to miss these crazy kids! I love each one of them and hope they remember 2nd grade (not just the ambulance episode...)
I shed a tear or two as I walked away from this empty classroom and all its memories.
 If walls could talk, oh the stories these would tell.

Moving on before I cry again. (Blame the pregnancy hormones)

Next, I went to Idaho!!! Home of the potatoes and my wonderful in-laws! :) 
My brother in law left for his mission on Wednesday of that week so we got him all ready. Then, my sister in law Esther married this awesome guy named Dustin and we had to get all ready for it two days later! I actually stayed for the whole week and Clint had to come back to Utah for work, so I was a little nervous about being so busy and on my feet and having contractions and possibly having a too early baby without my husband or my doctor within a few hundred miles... but it all worked out and we are very happy it did. 

Isn't she beautiful?
All the siblings :) minus the missionary of course...

It was a really fun weekend and I got to know my in-laws even better and we laughed and cried a lot
 (Those poor parents sent off a missionary and gave away the oldest girl in the same week!) 
and it was great!

Now we are on to #3!! Having a BABY!! 
Welcome to week 36 where Alissa can barely glimpse those toes way down there. Let's not even talk about reaching them... painted toes and shaved legs have come to a halt until further notice. 
I went to the doctor today and he said I was 1 cm dilated and 80% thinned... I wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but he seemed impressed so I went with it. Later, I called my mother (it is seriously so nice to have a nurse for a mother) and she said that's apparently really thin and it might mean I'll have a fast labor! 
woot woot! love hearing that!

In other baby related news, I tried going to the local water park and get some tanning done the other day, until I got there and realized laying on the ground with a 9 month pregnant belly is not the most comfortable thing in the world... in fact it lasted a whole 10 minutes before I decided to walk in the lazy river instead, which I realized was only 3 feet deep and did not even start to cover the belly so I was squat walking through the lazy river (looking like a crazy lady I'm sure) until I got over that real quick. I tried the wave pool and although that was the best option of the day, I left the water park about an hour and 1/2 after I got there.
 Maybe after I'm not so pregnant that pass will come to better use...

Until then, you can find me laying on the couch reading up my summer book list from the library and enjoying the 28 days left until Miss Olivia decides to come.