Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm thankful

ok. here are my top three. Obviously there are so many things in my life that I have to be thankful for

The love of my life. (Look how buff he looks in this picture. He doesn't like to show off so don't tell him I pointed it out.... but Clint is REALLY strong.) 
I am so thankful we are married for all of eternity and I always get to be by his side. He is so good to me. 

(You are the best tcrece - teacher.
 I love you a lote 
I hope 
 have a hapee
 tkse give eng -happy thanksgiving)
I am thankful for my kids. I have 18 cute 6 yr olds that love me no matter what kind of day I am having and I just love them too. I'm thankful my principal evaluation went well today, and that I am so used to observations thanks to all the observations I had during my internship last year. 

ok, so this is mostly joking. But really, I found this new show and I LOVE IT! Clint was laughing at me pretty hard last night while we watched 2 episodes in a row on hulu. LOVE IT. Secretly, he loves it just as much, Clint just doesn't show excitement as well as I do. :) 

I have so much to be thankful for. I am so excited to spend this Thanksgiving with Clint's family and spend the weekend getting to know them even better. (I'll be thinking of you too, family in California!!) I am so thankful that I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I feel the blessings from the Lord everyday. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Little Drummer Boy

I know, save Thanksgiving and all that jazz... I just love Christmas music. plain and simple. I am still thankful. I promise. 

Here's the thing. I cry everytime I hear this song. I just think of this drummer boy going to see the Newborn King. 

"I have no gift to bring that's fit to give a King"

I just feel that way sometimes ya know? But this is what I learn from this song. The boy just gives what he has. He plays his drum. He plays his best and the Christ Child smiles at him. 
And his drum, his playing, that was enough.

I was at education week in August, listening to Scott Anderson, (who is amazing) and he was talking about the woman at the well. She had been cast out and her name was defamed. As she drew water, Christ asked her if she would draw him a drink. It was pointed out that this woman was, to the world, worthless. She had nothing to offer the Savior of the World... except she did have exactly what was needed to give Him a drink.  Christ saw her one strength in that moment and magnified it.
 She was able to do exactly what He asked of her.
 He had made sure of it.

As the holidays are here and I am thinking of what I am Thankful for, and also the birth and life of my Savior, this song epitomizes everything I think of. I may not have a lot to give. I may be a poor newlywed, living with my husband on the salary of a first grade teacher, but I know I have something, because the Lord doesn't look at what I don't have. 
He looks at what my strengths are and He makes those strengths the only things that matter. 
I am grateful for that.
 It gives me hope and allows me to be optimistic. 

Just wanted to share.
I love my life.

Monday, November 14, 2011

...waking up in a real love

Ok, let me just tell you a little bit about life right now. It's wonderful. We had some stressful days in the last few weeks, but a lot more fun stuff.
 Here are my loves right now.

 Post Title= a song by Phil Vasser that I really love right now and it just makes me so happy everytime I listen to it on the way to school (which is everyday) 

First, I love that blogger has changed how they do pictures and since I couldn't figure out how to put on multiple pictures without wanting to scream, I just didn't. You can now enjoy all the pictures I would like to share with you.  
And, I love my cute jewelry board I made! Yes, made it. and my necklaces are no more tangled and earring are not hard to match with their pairs.  

 And... my cute man holding it up so I can take a picture : ) I just love him.
I LOVED 50's DAY!!! My class celebrated the 50th day of school and wee learned all about the 50s. We watched a clip of "Grease" (which made my kids laugh soooo hard. They thought the dancing was ridiculous haha), and I showed them a picture of Elvis (to which I said "kiddos, this is a  person that sang on the radio in the 50s and all the girls thought he was a hunk!"... one of my girls replied "Is it Justin Beiber?"... I just don't know how to respond to that. Absolutely not.)

 We did a little writing project, see the picture above, where all the kids had to write something people did in the 50s and what they do now that is different. If you can't read this <-- it says "In the 50s they listened to Elvis and today I listen to Lil Wayne".

These are some of my cute kids. Lil Wayne listener is the one posing for you :) Classic.

Also, no picture was taken, but today when I got home from school and I was making potato soup for dinner, Clint came home and as he was talking to his mom on the phone he spun me a around and kissed me, then winked as he was walking out of the kitchen. O man, what a cute husband. Ya know, married winks are 12323984457239x better than any single winks, and my man knows how to do them! <3

Everyday I wake up (as Clint kisses me goodbye on his way to work and I go back to sleep for 2 more hours) I just think man, everything else in life is worth it.

I am in a real happily ever after.