Thursday, January 31, 2013

Old people and Apples

So I was MIA on the blog for awhile because mostly I didn't trust myself to keep our little baby secret, but now that you all know, I'm back! I know you're so excited (all 5 of you that read this...)

So, this past Monday was a big day in my classroom. It was 100s day. As in the 100th day of school where we do a million things that have to do with the number 100 and my kids start dreaming of summer because they realize they are more than half way done with second grade... man, they grow up so fast. In fact, here are some of their old people papers... I seriously LOVE their wrinkly pictures so so much!
They all seemed to think old people are crazy... I don't know. Maybe they have crazy grandparents? I couldn't get them away from it...
love love love this wrinkly picture! hahaha bald, no eyebrows, no smile. just wrinkly. 

In other news, my kids have gotten this new found obsession with bringing me apples. No joke. At least one everyday. It may have something to do with the fact that I eat a lot during class these days.... nothing too distracting of course, just a cutie orange here, a cracker there...
 and during recess and their specialist times-
 an apple. 
Maybe they've seen these apples in my drawers and decided Mrs. Prestwich must LOVE apples...
Whatever their little thinking is, I get apples everyday. 
These are from the last 3 days this week (I ate Monday's apple...)
You know what they say... an apple a day....
except I still go to the doctor's every 4 weeks... 
but I haven't gotten that dang flu that's going around and I haven't even been allowed to get my flu shot yet! 
I think it's the apples. :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

O baby!


That's right folks! A little Prestwich will be arriving July 11th (or around there). We couldn't be more excited!  It happened just in time. Like, 4 weeks before we head out to Tennessee and a month before insurance runs out and right as I was so tired of getting those little minus signs on the pregnancy tests. 

It's a long story and I'll spare you all the details, but we had been trying to get pregnant for a year when it finally happened. I understand that a lot of people wait a lot longer to get pregnant and I can't even imagine nor do I think my situation was even comparable to theirs, but I will say it was a long year.
 We had gotten a false positive test the month before and when we realized it was false... well, I was kind of a mess. That's when I went to the doctor and he said we could start Clomid. I have a love/hate relationship with this drug... love because I now have a little avocado sized baby inside of me, and hate because I was a DRAGON while I was taking it... It wasn't pretty. I mean, birth control was bad, this was probably 100x worse and I just prayed I wouldn't have to up the dose for a second month. Luckily (for Clint who was so so patient with my dragon-like nature and for all the reasons mentioned above), it worked that first month! 

Now we're just enjoying every minute of getting ready for our little one. I have loved the doctor's appointments, especially getting to see our first ultrasound and when I get to hear the little heartbeat going so fast. Can I just be honest though? I've heard so many people say that hearing the heartbeat just moved them to tears and got them so so excited... and while it does get me excited, mostly when I hear it, I just get relieved. I just hold my breath until the doctor finds it and then I just feel so glad that the little peanut is ok, that even though I've been eating a little more take-out food, its healthy and growing and everything is good. Is this normal? I hope so.

Some new things now that I'm pregnant:
pants.don' My mom was an angel and got me some maternity slacks to wear to work and I feel 100% classier not walking around with my pants unbuttoned....
hungry.all.the.time.  I've always been a good eater, but I eat constantly right now. It's the only thing that helped me feel better when I was sick. I'm craving salty things. I love anything in broth. So I go through a lot of top ramen. Really beneficial for the baby I'm sure with all those nutrients. And vinegar. I guess its true about pregnancy and pickles... Fruit always sounds good right now too. Not so much chocolate or sweets. Which is strange because I've always had a sweet tooth.
always.out.of.breath. It's a little comical actually. I get to school and walk around my classroom getting ready for the morning and by the time I sit down to read the kids a story I need to catch my breath. I downloaded this app that shows the baby's growth weekly and it's finally starting to look less like a tadpole and more like a miniature human. I like that. I also got an ultrasound picture at 9 weeks and I love looking at the little misty blurb that was my child so early on.

We will find out the gender two weeks from today!