Wednesday, April 18, 2012


The other day we had an earthquake drill at school. My kids had  A LOT of questions about earthquakes afterward... here was one conversation that particularly made my day :) 

boy: So... what if there was an earthquake and the ground cracked?
me: That doesn't happen very often.
Like how often?
umm... probably like once in 100 years
 (I know, totally random guesstimate, but hey, he's in first grade. 100 years is long. kind of like an hour.)
so there aren't really earthquakes?
no, there are earthquakes, but they are sometimes just little ones that don't make cracks in the ground. They just make people wobble around a little and then they're over.
OOOOOOOO... Like last week, I fell and I thought I just tripped. 

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