Thursday, November 15, 2012


So this week and the past weekend Clint and I have been so excited to have my family in town for Jake's hip surgery!! We've been staying up late, watching chick flicks (mom and I were not that impressed with the "Lucky One" movie we got at redbox... although we both just think Zac Efron is really cute as a marine...) and eating a bunch of food!

Next week is Thanksgiving. Here is my list of top 10 things I am thankful for right now. In no particular order...

1. Clint
It was the best decision I have ever made to make this man my forever partner. He is loving and kind and gives me a back rub anytime I ask. He makes me laugh and helps me when I am way too stressed to handle life. We have learned so much in the last year and a half and look forward to all the great things this coming year will bring! 

2. Family
My family and my in-laws are the best ever! I don't know what I will do when we have to move away from them next summer to go to Tennessee

3. My job. I seriously have the best job in the entire world. I love my kiddos so much and they make me laugh and smile everyday. If you would like a picture for this one... go to an earlier post.... :)

4. Clint being accepted into Optometry School. I feel so blessed to be able to have this decision made and not have to stress about it anymore. Although I am still scared out of my mind if I think about it too much, I am so grateful that we have our little future plan and our little family is moving forward in it.

5. The Church. I am a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am proud to be a mormon. I enjoy the blessings of the gospel in my life everyday. It helps me be happy, it helps me have hope and it gives me knowledge of what is really important.

6. Where we live now. I know who would have thought this one right? I know so many people talk about how they can't wait to get out of Provo, Utah... but the closer I get to moving out of it, the more I think of things I love about it. Like the fact that it is where I met my #1 blessing and we flirted and dated and got engaged and started our life together. Or how the leaves look in the fall. Or all my adventures at BYU and hiking the Y... good times.

7. Friends. I have the BEST friends ever! I seriously couldn't put all their pictures in here and if I tried I might miss one, so I won't, but I talk with them, and cry with them and vent about all life's crazyness.

8. Books. I think I'm the libraries biggest fan. And I also think they should include library fines in that placque with the library donors, because with how much I pay them, I probably have made it up there. It's ok Springville library, I'll be an annyonomous donor.  I love you anyways.

9. Laughing. Clint will roll his eyes when he sees that I posted this because he couldn't get through the whole thing with how awkward he felt, but I really love it. So here's a laugh for you. Because everyone needs at least one good one a day :)

Ellen's practical Joke

ps. I don't know how to put in this youtube video for some reason so follow the link.

10. Food. Let's be honest. I am a major fat kid at heart. I love food and I love making it and I love eating it and I love enjoying every single bite of the healthy and unhealthy food I create. Clint and I have so much fun cooking together. It's one of my favorite things for sure!

Well, I hope you made it. I am so glad I get to live my life. It's not always perfect, but it's a lot of learning and growing and I love it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I know you're a little worried with a title like that... But i'm just going to say that politics are really funny when you are in second grade. Let me give you some examples. Enjoy :)

1. I know exactly what each parent in my class voted based on their Child's comments to fellow classmates...
"Romney lies.."
" Romney has my vote"
"Obama ruined our country"
" Obama gives us have hospitals and takes care of us when we're sick"
"Ron Paul is the only one who can save us!"

2. My kids are obsessed with knowing who I voted for. Not going to tell, sorry. It just seems ridiculous to defend my political opinions to 7yr olds. And believe me, if I had said, I would have some heated 7 yr olds...

3. It is now one of my kids ambitions to be the president. I told him I'd vote for him to which a little girl responded "you won't vote for him! You'll be a grandma!!" So I said " who says grandmas can't vote?" So there!

4. I have officially banned all political discussion in my class room unless we are saying the pledge or saying how much we love our country and everyone in it.

Man, if this is any indication of their lives later on, these kids are going to grow up to be very involved political citizens!! :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Here are our costumes! I was a flapper girl and Clint was a gangster.... and Cosmo was Robin...we just couldn't resist a picture with BYU's mascot. :)
We spent the evening at BYU where the athletes had a little trick-or-treat/carnival/shin dig and we passed out some candy. We saw some CUTE costumes and got a lot of compliments on ours too. In fact, I think Clint may have decided to wear his fedora permanently. He loves it. A. LOT.

Also, let me just give you a little insiders view. Me (my teacher self that is) and Halloween have a love hate relationship. One one hand, my kids are just the cutest. They are happier than a witch in a broom store (ps, have you seen those GEICO commercials? I laugh out loud every time. I seriously love them) and they have the cutest costumes ever. I had two spiders, two devils, a ghost, an army guy, the mad hatter, a ninja turtle, a platypus, a wizard, and a whole slew of other cute things in my class yesterday. Then there is the other side of that excitement which is also called crazy. yes. crazy. hyped up on candy- well at this point, just the thought of candy- and they know we'll have a party in the afternoon. and a parade. and a monster mash dance with the school... lets just say the almost "normal" morning I had planned went out the window because these kids were not having any learning  fit into their holiday. And this teacher just loves to see her kids happy. O darn. Throw the lesson plans out the window for a day and play Halloween BINGO for a half hour? fine. pull my leg. yes. we can do that.

 Here is a picture of all of us after the parade :)

Ya, bumblee is the go to costume for school mostly because I can still wear my slacks and feel semi-professional... second because my kids would have no idea what a flapper girl was...

I hope your Halloween was as good as this one!