Thursday, November 8, 2012


I know you're a little worried with a title like that... But i'm just going to say that politics are really funny when you are in second grade. Let me give you some examples. Enjoy :)

1. I know exactly what each parent in my class voted based on their Child's comments to fellow classmates...
"Romney lies.."
" Romney has my vote"
"Obama ruined our country"
" Obama gives us have hospitals and takes care of us when we're sick"
"Ron Paul is the only one who can save us!"

2. My kids are obsessed with knowing who I voted for. Not going to tell, sorry. It just seems ridiculous to defend my political opinions to 7yr olds. And believe me, if I had said, I would have some heated 7 yr olds...

3. It is now one of my kids ambitions to be the president. I told him I'd vote for him to which a little girl responded "you won't vote for him! You'll be a grandma!!" So I said " who says grandmas can't vote?" So there!

4. I have officially banned all political discussion in my class room unless we are saying the pledge or saying how much we love our country and everyone in it.

Man, if this is any indication of their lives later on, these kids are going to grow up to be very involved political citizens!! :)

1 comment:

  1. hahaha this cracks me up. Though nothing will ever beat the day that kid said "wait, you mean Obama is real??"
