Thursday, February 7, 2013

Clint's about to be outnumbered...

That's right folks! A little GIRL is coming! 
We got to have an early ultrasound today (18 weeks) and she was moving around and looking like a little baby in there! 

So a few people have asked about pictures... so here we go. This is the first ultrasound I got at 9 weeks. Remember how I said the baby looked like a little misty blurb? Proof. 
See the dark spot? Then see that misty blurb off to the right inside the dark spot?
 That would be my upside down child facing right. 
Yes. That is a small tail up on the top of the misty blurb... don't worry, that's gone now. Thank heavens. 

 Ok, so now we have a few more baby-like photos for you!! I don't really like the idea of showing off her gender reveal shot... I mean, even as a wee one, we'll give her a little privacy... but there are some other good ones :) 
Here is her little body facing to the left... with her hand in front of her face.
And my favorite of the day with her all curled up hugging her knees. Much more like a little baby huh!? 

It was so much fun seeing her moving around in there! I'm still not able to feel her, which the doctor says is alright, but as I was watching her moving everywhere on the screen I tried really hard to feel what I was seeing... not happening. I guess I'll have to be patient. It made it a lot more real to see her moving and alive in there. 
We get to have another ultrasound in 2 weeks for her normal 20 week full check up. I'm so excited! 
Ps. I'm also so excited to not call my child "it" anymore... there has got to be another way to say it, but it gets a little tiring saying "the baby" and "our child" all the time... "her" is so nice. I love it. 

Tonight, I shall buy something pink for her. 
Plus some pink balloons to announce it to my kiddos at school. They were sooooo excited today. So was I. It was an excited morning. 
I'm sure tomorrow will be even more so. 
Here's to pink and bows and sugar and spice and everything nice! 
We're going to have a little girl!!!!!!


  1. HOORAY! I am SO excited for you!

    I can't wait until you can start to feel HER move! It is such an amazing part of being pregnant!

    It is also fun to know that you and I are going to have a baby around the same time!

    (Maybe we should hook them up when they are older...) :)

    Hope you two are doing well!

  2. So excited to see your cute baby. I am practicing being an annoying grandma by showing all my friends the ultrasound picture on my phone. I was showing one friend and a visiting neighbor child announced that her mommy had a baby in her tummy, too. So you never know what useful information you can glean through showing pictures around. Here's the website link to that cute baby clothes store we saw in the we can buy! :)
