Friday, September 30, 2011


Today one of my cute kiddos asked me...

"Mrs. Prestwich, why do you make holes in your cheeks every time you smile at us?"

I haven't had someone notice my dimples in quite awhile, at least not verbally, so it took me a second to realize what she was talking about and I pointed out another boy in our class that has dimples too. I told her we don't make our cheeks do that, they just do it on their own!

I think she thought I was pulling her leg... haha


~Side notes~
Soooo excited for conference this weekend!!! I got blueberry muffin mix for Clint and I and whoever is the lucky person we decide to ask to watch conference with... we should probably get on that.

Can I tell you one more thing? Clint cleaned the house this morning for me. You wouldn't think that would be a very big deal, but I woke up and saw my clean living room and clean dishes in the sink he did last night and I just got all butterfly-y and I'm just so glad I married that boy!! And the most impressive part, he did it at 4:30 AM before he went to work!!!

He's taking me to the football game tonight (go cougars!), then off for a night on the town after!!! :)

<3 I love my life.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm living my dream.

So here I am, sitting in my classroom... I should be using this time where Clint is in class to get a TON of stuff done...

instead I'm sitting here almost in tears.

today was hard. I'll be honest, first grade is a lot harder than 2nd was for me. I have kids who don't even know all their ABC's. That's hard.

That's not why I'm sitting here practically crying.

I am so grateful that I'm sitting right here. Right here as in: my extremely messy classroom where the books aren't put away because my first graders read them today. As in the room where every desk is skeewompus because first graders get so excited about learning that they literally inch their desks closer and closer to the front of the room where the teacher is....
or maybe they're just a little squirmy.... we'll go with excited about learning.

I'm so glad I found a job this year.
I'm so glad my little 6 yr olds give me a hug or a high five every day when they leave.
I am so excited that one of my little boys learned 2 more letters than he knew on Friday when I tested him.
I love the perfectly innocent way they look at the world.
I teach children who, in some cases, live with parents who are... less than ideal.
I get to be one of their role models. OR maybe they are mine.
I get to make sure they say please and thank you, take turns and say nice words.
I get to read them stories of things they have never dreamt of, but they do all the time now.
I am blessed to teach children how to read. That makes a huge difference in life.

I don't know how I got here. I mean, I am aware that I spent 4 years in college and did a pretty strenuous internship last year...

I made it here, to first grade.

and I'm living my dream.