Tuesday, February 28, 2012

For real?

So we've been talking about national symbols in first grade for a few weeks.... We've learned about the white house, the president (my kids call him Obama. I try to get "President" in there... not happening...), the flag, ya know, all of it.

So today I remembered I had visited a bunch of these places (DC, Statue of liberty...) so I brought my pictures to show them. I knew they would love it. I got to the picture of me in front of the White House...

Cute little boy: ...Wait. Mrs. Prestwich, you mean Obama is real?

My thoughts: umm...yes. yes he is. I thought we clearly went over that....


  1. So cute! My kids have a little bit of confusion with President Monson and President "Obomo." Aren't they funny?

  2. hahahahahahaha well, we also teach them about santa clause, the easter bunny, and big bird so how are they supposed to know the difference?
