Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Anniversary to us!!

That's right folks! This little Prestwich family has been going strong for one year! (and a month since this is so late...) Here were some of our adventures: Enjoy!

Clint came home with a dozen roses for me... melt my heart... I love him.
 Then we went on a cruise!!! 

We went to Catalina...

And dressed up all fancy (Thank you Emily for the beautiful prom dress)

Can you believe it? I ate seafood! And it was actually really good. Clint thinks I just have expensive taste when it comes to seafood. Maybe....

Lovin' the towel creations...

"Clint, I feel awkward just standing here..."

"No Alissa, this is like a photo shoot..."

with weird camera angles...? haha I love you babe! 

We also went to Mexico!

Looking good!!

 and we hung out at my family's house in Huntington before and after the cruise. I just love my adorable niece and nephews!

All in all, it was the perfect anniversary/belated honeymoon :) It's funny, everyone says the first year is the hardest... but I've just had a blast getting used to living with my best friend! We laugh and chat and tease and have such a fun time all the time. In this past year, we've just gotten to know each other that much better and I love him more with every new thing I learn about him. I feel so blessed to have married such an amazing man. He is my best friend. He is a righteous Priesthood holder in our home. And we get to be together forever, just laughing and chatting and growing our little family. I can't think of a better way to spend eternity than with him! 

1 comment:

  1. It was Sooo much fun having you back here both weekends to hang out!! Can't wait until you come back again! We Love and MIss you guys! :0)
