Clint came home with a dozen roses for me... melt my heart... I love him.
Can you believe it? I ate seafood! And it was actually really good. Clint thinks I just have expensive taste when it comes to seafood. Maybe....
and we hung out at my family's house in Huntington before and after the cruise. I just love my adorable niece and nephews!
All in all, it was the perfect anniversary/belated honeymoon :) It's funny, everyone says the first year is the hardest... but I've just had a blast getting used to living with my best friend! We laugh and chat and tease and have such a fun time all the time. In this past year, we've just gotten to know each other that much better and I love him more with every new thing I learn about him. I feel so blessed to have married such an amazing man. He is my best friend. He is a righteous Priesthood holder in our home. And we get to be together forever, just laughing and chatting and growing our little family. I can't think of a better way to spend eternity than with him!
It was Sooo much fun having you back here both weekends to hang out!! Can't wait until you come back again! We Love and MIss you guys! :0)