Saturday, April 19, 2014

woah... slow down turbo...

Ooook. So can I submit that my baby is growing up WAY too fast? Let us recount the past week. 
She started...
*Sleeping without being swaddled
*Sleeping from 7pm-6am
 Which is amazing by the way
*Crawling for real
*Getting from crawling to sitting up again 
That one took a little while, but last night she got it and we clapped for her and now every time she sits up she expects some praise. It's pretty funny. 
*Pulling herself up onto her knees
*And then this morning she pulled herself to STANDING next to the couch. 
She was pretty proud of herself. She clapped and laughed and then she looked bored. Or maybe scared because she realized she didn't know how to lower herself... because a few seconds later she did this interesting spin thing and landed on her butt. Then she got herself up again and then ate it trying to get down the second time and that was the end of trying to get up to standing.

But really. I don't know what happened. One week she was sick and sad and just cuddling all the time and she feels the need to make up for lost time I suppose. Or, it could be the last round of vaccinations she got. Some people think vaccines hurt their babies. 
I think they gave my baby super powers. 
It's amazing. 
I am going to have to sweep and vacuum everyday now though because she eats anything that is on the ground. And I also can't throw all the little things I didn't want her to get to onto the couch anymore.

Also, I was putting together Easter baskets last night and I had a big "wow, I'm a mom" moment. I thought shopping for Christmas would be that way, but not so much Easter. It was though. I found a little stuffed duck and a bubble guppies coloring book with stickers (cause let's be honest, she can't color yet, but she does love stickers) and stuffed her eggs with puffs and yogurt melts and I just thought how much she was going to love it and then it hit me. 
I am her mom.
 And it's the best!
 I like knowing what she is going to get excited about and watching her reactions to things. 
Man, I'm lucky to be this smart girl's mom. 


  1. And trust me, that duck is going to come in handy in the future for many rounds of "Duck, Duck, Goose!"
